Sena SMH5-01 Bluetooth Headset and Intercom for Scooters and Motorcycles

Sena SMH5-01 Bluetooth Headset and Intercom for Scooters and Motorcycles
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Monday, July 2, 2012

How to Purchase a 2 Helmet Headset Communicator System For Under $ 100

How to Purchase a 2 Helmet Headset Communicator System For Under $ 100

Motorcycle helmet headset systems can have a wide price range. Some upper end Bluetooth models can cost over $ 300 for just one headset. If your riding partner doesn't have a headset system then there is addition cost for another system.

How to Purchase a 2 Helmet Headset Communicator System For Under $ 100

How to Purchase a 2 Helmet Headset Communicator System For Under $ 100

How to Purchase a 2 Helmet Headset Communicator System For Under $ 100

How to Purchase a 2 Helmet Headset Communicator System For Under $ 100

How to Purchase a 2 Helmet Headset Communicator System For Under $ 100

A complete helmet headset communications system for 2 riders does not have to be expensive. You can talk with a buddy beside you or 2 to 10 or more miles way for under $ 100.00.

Midland makes headset kits for open face and closed face helmets. They come in two models. The AVP-H1 kit is for open faced helmets and the AVP-H2 kit is for closed or full faced helmets. Each kit includes a microphone, 2 speakers and the necessary wiring. They have an adjustable boom microphone, withhandlebar mount PTT push to talk button and install easy with double-sided tape, no drilling or other modification

These headset kits are designed to be used with Midland FRS/GMRS two-way radios. Midland has a variety of models with various ranges and features. The radios are sold in pairs, so only one set would be required.

Midland FRS/GMRS radios advertises with ranges from 10 to 35 miles. Don't believe that you will get these ranges and you won't be disappointed. These transmission distances can only be achieved under the very best ideal conditions on flat terrain with no obstacles and only will using the GMRS channels. The GMRS channels put out more power than the FRS channel but technically the user must have a FCC license this set of channels on theradio.

You should be able to get a range of a few miles, which would be fine for communicating with a riding partner.

The best place to purchase this headset system is on eBay. Selling electronic items on eBay is extremely competitive and that's a big bonus for the buyer. There's now very little markup.

I used to be an eBay Power seller with thousands of electronic item sales so I know how competitive electronic sales are first hand. During my eBay days I would bundle Midland 2 headset kits with a pair of Midland two-radios and sell and make lots of sales. My eBay customers would tell me that this was an excellent budget system.

You might not find an eBay seller with a listing for Midland 2 headset kits bundled with a pair of Midland two-wayradios but most eBay electronics sellers will have the items I know just ask them to put a package together

As I mentioned earlier, it's not necessary to get the most expensive pair of radios but I would suggest you get a pair that has the VOX (voice activated transmission) hands free feature as you might want to use the radios in other situations off the bike.

Midland AVP-H1 and AVP-H2 headset kits wholesale for about $ 27.00 each (you need two) and a pair of Midland two-way FRS/GMRS radios will wholesale for $ 20 to $ 65.00. You should be able to get a very nice budget system with a pair of 12 or 14 mile two-way radios for just under $ 100.00.

How to Purchase a 2 Helmet Headset Communicator System For Under $ 100